
.......14th 2011 was a day I confirmed to my friends and family that I had met my match, my best friend and my love. This relates to music in a certain way....
 My match, my best friend, and my love allows me to be me.... playing and writing music at all hours, and I mean all hours.....getting into bed and then jumping out 10 seconds later to write down a lyric idea... coming home late and leaving early, coming with me to every event possible.... allows me to bend her voice on harmonies to fit my idea of the female voice as it relates to robert bruey written music ( she rolls her eyes on this one ).... But most importantly....she listens and cares about my musical passion with me.

 May was a good month....not because of so many musical events, but  because it marks the beginning of a concert with Dana that will last a lifetime.....

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